Body facts l Interesting facts about human body

Human body consists of different parts and every parts of human body have its own function. There are many hidden facts about our body that we don't know. Do you know which is the strongest muscle of our body? 

           Body facts l Interesting facts about human body

Baby facts

Till seven months, A new born baby can swallow and breathe.
 A four years child ask 300-400 questions a day.
88% of infants go to their mother first than dad to ask any question. It happens because dad mostly reply "ask your mother".
A nine years old boys ask 144 question per day at the interval of 5 minutes and 12 seconds.-Source
At birth, There are 300 bones are present in baby. Adult have 206 bones.
Baby blink once or twice a minute only. -Source
Most of the babies born with blue eyes than other color.
Children grow faster in Spring.

Mouth facts

Everyday our mouth produces one liter of saliva
Human teeth cannot heal itself.
Teeth consists of 90% of body calcium.
Tongue has the strongest muscle in the body.
Enamel surrounds the outer surface of the teeth. Enamel is the hardest substance in human body.

Bones facts

Human bone is stronger than steel.
human body have 206 bones.
Femur is the largest bone in the human body. It is located in thigh.
Jawbone is the hardest bone in the human body.
There are almost half of the bones in hand and feet of human body.

Muscles facts

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body.
Human body consists of 650 muscles.
There are  three types of muscles, namely voluntary muscle, involuntary muscle and cardiac muscle.

Eyes facts

The cornea of eye directly receive oxygen from the air. it doesn't have blood. It is the only part in the body has no blood.
Men blinks twice more than women.
The size of the eyes remain same whole life. 

Ear facts

A healthy young person can hear sound of frequency ranges from 20 to 20,000 hertz.
Human ear keep on growing throughout the life.

Brain facts

Human brain is more active during sleep than awake.
It is estimated that the storage capacity of human brain is more than 4 terabytes.
The speed of the verve impulse sent from brain is about 274km/hr.
Human forgets 90% of the dreams.
About 80% of body heat is lost from head.
The information travel in brain at the speed of 260mph.
There are more than 100,000 chemical reaction per second occur in our brain and it consists of 86 billion cells and 10,000 types of neurons. -Source
Human brain can survive 10 minutes without oxygen.
The weight of human heart is 1,300 to 1,400 grams and brain weight is 2% of total weight of body.
Human brain consume 20% of total energy of a body.

Blood and heart facts

Human heart is made up of Cardiac muscle.
The heart beat rate of women is faster than man.
The length of Human blood vessels is about 100,000km.
White blood cells, Red blood cells and Platelets are the constituents of blood.
Red blood cells are produced in Bone marrow.
While listening music, our heart start syncing with the rhythm of the music.
An average weight of adult Heart is 310 grams.
Human blood is grouped into four types, namely: A, B, AB and O. The most common blood type in the world is "O" while AB negative is the rarest blood type.
Rib cage of chest protects our heart.
About 20% of heart attacks are occurs on Monday.
Our blood consists of 7% of weight of our body.
Human Heart consists of four chambers namely: left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle.

The nails of fingers grow four times faster than the nails of toes.

Hair is made up of tough protein called keratin.

The hair of face grow faster than other parts of a body.

Cool facts of Human Body

About 4kg of cells are lost every year.
Human left lung is 10% smaller than right lung.
our nose can recognize three trillion different scents.
Research shows that right handed people life 9 years more than the left handed people.
Human are the only species who can sleep in their backs.
Human are the only creature on the earth who can draw straight lines.
37 thousand billion billion chemical reactions per second  occur in human body
Sperm cells are smallest cell in human body.
Human nose and ear never stop growing.
Human can't breathe and swallow at the same time.
Men's testicles hang below because sperm dies at the body temperature.
The nails of your middle finger grows faster than other fingers.
Every human have unique finger print, unique smell, and unique tongue print.
Human can survive only two days without drinking but survive twenty days without eating.

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