50+Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth: Here, we talk Geographical facts, Space facts, sad facts, cool facts and more about earth.

Earth Is our home planet, where we stay. There are many questions in your mind about earth. like: which is the highest and lowest peak on the earth? how many countries on the earth? does plates and crust are same? and many. if you really want to know all about that then you are at the right place and let's check out these facts and clear your confusion.. 

  50+Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth

Geographical facts
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
Here, we talk about the geographical features about Earth including tallest mountain, biggest river, total countries and more. its all about land-mass about the Earth.

EI Azizia has the hottest temperature ever recorded. It was recorded 56.7 degree celcius (134 degree Fahrenheit)
Our home, planet earth has only liquid water on its surface.
Earth is mainly consists of Magnesium-13.9%, Silicon-15.1%,  Oxygen-30.1%, and iron-32.1%.
Mount Everest  is the highest peak on the earth. Its height is 8,848 meter and it is the highest point on the earth.
Challenger Deep is the lowest point on the earth. It is 10,994meters(36,070 feet) below sea level.
Nile river is the longest river in the world. It's approximately 4,258 miles(6,853 km).
The amazon river is the largest river by volume in the world. It's 3,980miles(6,400km) and it consists of 20% of the Earth fresh water.
Lake Baikal is the world's largest fresh water lake by volume. It consist of 5,521 cubic miles of water.

Earth Countries facts
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
Do you know what creates Magnetic Field? The molten iron core inside the earth create Magnetic Field.
There are total 195 countries in the world.
Russia is the largest country in the world. It cover 11% of total landmass of the earth.
Vatican city is the smallest country in the world. its area is 0.44 sq.km.
China is the most populated country in the world with population of about 1.4 billion.
Vatican city is the least populated country in the world. There are total 1,000 population in 2017.
Canada is the most developed and Angola is the least developed country in the world.

Nature facts about Earth
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
About 70% of Earth surface area is covered with water. but, only 3% are fresh and rest 97% are salty. Among 3%, 2% Is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers. Only 1% of water are found in lakes, rivers and underground.
There are total 1,000,809 mountains in the world. Among, Mount Everest is the highest peak.
There are 165 major rivers in the world.
There are 753.04 crores population in the world. Among, china has the highest.
There are more than 1.5 million species of plants, Animals, fungi, bacteria and lichen are documented on the earth.
There are about 75 trillion tons of living things are on the earth.

Space facts of the earth
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
The earth is the third planet from the sun.
The earth tilts at 66 degrees.
The Earth spin around the sun at the speed of 67,000 (107,826 km)miles per hour.
Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system in terms of Mass and size.
Earth is believed as the center of the Galaxy

cool facts about Earth
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
Do you know, how we are protected from the harmful radiation of the sun? It is because there is ozone layer, that surrounds the earth and ozone layer protect us from harmful radiation. Actually, it filters the harmful radiation.
The earth was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
Earth consists of 1 Moon and 2 co-orbital Satellite.
The earth is the only planet in the solar system that can support life.
There are 6,500 languages are spoken all over the Earth today. Among, Chinese language has the maximum number of speaker.
There are 7 wonders in the world, namely-The Taj Mahal,India. Christ the Redeemer,Brazil. Petra,Jordan. The Great wall of China. The colosseum,Rome. Machu Picchu,Peru. Chichen itza,Mexico.
The earth has only natural satellite i.e. Moon.
The earth takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds to complete around its axis.
Do you know why tides occur in the moon? Due to the gravity between earth and moon, tides occur in the moon.

Earth Profile
Equatorial diameter: 12,756 km
Polar diameter: 12,714 km
Mass of the earth: 5.97x10^24 kg
Orbit period: 365.24 days
Orbit distance: 149,598,262 km(1 AU)
Surface temperature: -88 to 58 degree Celcius

sad facts about Earth
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
Once earth had two moon.
It is estimated that about 2 trillion plastic bags are used in a year, nearly 2 million each minute but only 9% of plastic bags are recycled.
The climate are changing and pollution is also increasing rapidly which brings many harmful diseases like: Malaria, Dangue fever, Lyme disease and many more.
There are about 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut every year.
An average human being exhale 2.3 pounds of carbon-dioxide per day. the world has about 7.4 billion population. then, just imagine how much carbon-dioxide produced.
There are more than 1 million sea birds and 100,000 mammals are killed every year.

Layers of the earth
here, we mainly talk about the inner layer of the earth.
The earth is made up of four layers. they are:
1. Crust
2. Mantle
3. Outer core
4. Inner core
Let's talk in brief about the four layers of the earth.
Earth facts l Interesting facts about Earth
1. Crust
It is the outermost layer of the earth. In simple way, It is the layer of the earth in which we live-means we do our daily activities on the crust.
Earth crust is composed of igneous, Metamorphic, sedimentary rocks. crust occupy less than 1% of total volume of the earth. The layer of crust is 30km to 50km. It is obivious that as we go deeper temperature increases, the temperature at which earth crust lie is from 500 to 1000 degree celcius  i.e. 900 to 1,800 degree Fahrenheit.

Question may arise in your mind. Does crust and plates are the same?
Definitely not, crust and mantle are the two different factors. There are two different types of Crust, namely-oceanic and continental but there are 16 tectonic plates on the earth. the earthquake occur when there are disarrangement between the plates.

2. Mantle
Mantle is the solid bulk lies between crust and outer-core of the  earth. The thickness of the mantle is 2,900 km(1,802 miles). Mantle occupy 84% of total volume of the earth. The temperature of mantle ranges from approximately

3. outer core
Outer core is the liquid layer which lies between mantle and inner core. outer core is 2,400 km(1,500 miles) thick and the temperature of this layer ranges from 4,400 to 6,100 km. Iron and Nickel are the main substance found in this layer. 

4. Inner core
It is the innermost part of the earth whose radius is about 1,200 km(760 miles). it is composed of Iron, Nickel and other elements. The temperature is inner core is estimated 6,000 degree celcius. The radius of inner core is about 70% of radius of the moon.

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