
53+ Israel Facts l facts-world.com (UPDATED)

53+ Israel facts 1) Israel has the eighth longest life in the world: eighty two years, that is over the uk, the U.S. and Germany. 2) Relative to its size, Israel is the largest immigrant fascinating nation on Earth; it's absorbed 350 % of its population in sixty years. 3) Israel has a lot of nobel Prizes …

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53+ Myanmar facts l facts-world (UPDATED)

53+ Myanmar facts 1. With an all out zone of 261,970 square miles, Myanmar is the biggest nation in territory Southeast Asia, and the 40th-biggest on the planet. It is to some degree littler than Texas and somewhat bigger than Afghanistan. 2. The number of inhabitants in Myanmar is 55,746,253 (July 2014.) The n…

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53+ Srilanka facts facts-world.com (UPDATED)

53+ Srilanka facts Sri Lanka is an island nation in South Asia close south-east India. The official name of the nation is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is situated in the Indian Ocean and has sea fringes with India toward the northwest and the Maldives toward th…

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Pakistan facts

Pakistan facts Pakistan is authoritatively called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The name Pakistan, Pak (unadulterated) and stan (land) signifies 'place that is known for the unadulterated' in the Persian and Urdu dialects. Pakistan's property covers around 796,095 km² (307,374 mi²) about the jo…

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53+ France facts l facts-world

53+ France facts l facts-world: Here, we share Geographical facts, National facts, Historical facts, Cultural facts and more about France. Hey, Nice to being you here and I think you are looking for "53+ France facts l facts-world", right? then, you are at the right place. Many questions, like what ty…

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